This category will showcase the dedication, commitment, hard work and passion of those practitioners that have positively impacted on you as an employer or as a learner.
Entries should demonstrate one or more of the following:
- An individual who has worked hard to contribute significantly to the apprenticeship programme.
- Demonstrated track record of inspiring and motivating learners to reach their full potential through creative practice, as well as engaging and helping employers to provide aspirational and valued apprenticeship programmes.
- This award is by nomination only and can only be nominated by a second party.
- No self-entries please.
All Finalists will be invited to the Awards ceremony which will be held at The Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod Wells, on the 3rd of June 2025.
Good Luck.
Criteria to Enter:
Must be an Training Officer with Cambrian Training Company and one of their subcontractors.
Must be an Essential Skills Wales Tutor with Cambrian Training Company and one of their subcontractors.
You must have permission of the individual to enter them into the award and they must sign this application form.
Please complete the form below OR download the application form here and send to
Apply now for our 2025 awards!
Bydd y categori hwn yn arddangos ymroddiad, ymrwymiad, gwaith caled ac angerdd yr ymarferwyr hynny sydd wedi cael effaith gadarnhaol arnoch chi fel cyflogwr neu fel dysgwr.
Dylai ceisiadau ddangos un neu fwy o’r canlynol:
- Unigolyn sydd wedi gweithio’n galed i gyfrannu’n sylweddol at y rhaglen brentisiaeth.
- Dangos hanes o ysbrydoli ac ysgogi dysgwyr i gyflawni eu potensial llawn drwy ymarfer creadigol, yn ogystal ag ymgysylltu a helpu cyflogwyr i ddarparu rhaglenni prentisiaeth uchelgeisiol a gwerthfawr.
- Mae’r wobr hon drwy enwebiad yn unig a dim ond trwy ail barti y gellir ei enwebu.
- Dim hunan-geisiadau os gwelwch yn dda.
Gwahoddir pawb sydd wedi cyrraedd y rownd derfynol i’r seremoni wobrwyo a gynhelir yng Ngwesty’r Metropole, Llandrindod, ar y 3ydd o Fehefin 2025.
Pob lwc.
Meini prawf i ymgeisio:
Rhaid bod yn Swyddog Hyfforddi gyda Chwmni Hyfforddiant Cambrian ac yn un o’u hisgontractwyr.
Rhaid bod yn Diwtor Sgiliau Hanfodol Cymru gyda Chwmni Hyfforddiant Cambrian ac yn un o’u hisgontractwyr.
Mae’n rhaid i chi gael caniatâd yr unigolyn i’w cofrestru yn y dyfarniad a rhaid iddo lofnodi’r ffurflen gais hon.
Llenwch y ffurflen isod NEU lawrlwythwch y ffurflen hon a’i hanfon at
Gwnewch gais am ein gwobrau yn 2025!