This category will showcase employers who have set up and developed apprenticeship programmes in their organisation that have tangibly contributed to the success and growth of the business.
Entries should demonstrate one or more of the following:
- Organisation’s approach to learning and development and Apprenticeship programmes.
- How the Apprenticeship programme has been linked to other organisational objectives and goals and the direct or indirect benefit it has had on business results.
- Any innovative practices (including the use of new technologies) that have been embedded within or alongside the Apprenticeship programme
- How learners have been supported into sustainable employment opportunities and how the Apprenticeship programme meets their long-term aspirations.
- Information on the plans the business has in place to ensure the sustainability of the Apprenticeship programme.
All Finalists will be invited to the Awards dinner to be held at The Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod Wells in 3rd of June.
Good Luck
Criteria to Enter
- Must have at least one individual on the apprenticeship programme between 1st March 2024 and 28th Feb 2025 or have had at least one apprentice completed between these dates with Cambrian Training or one of their sub-contractors.
- Must be an employer in Wales or have at least one location/office in Wales
Please complete the form below.
Apply for our 2025 awards now!
Bydd y categori hwn yn arddangos cyflogwyr sydd wedi sefydlu a datblygu rhaglenni prentisiaeth yn eu sefydliad sydd wedi cyfrannu’n fwriadol at lwyddiant a thwf y busnes.
Dylai ceisiadau ddangos un neu fwy o’r canlynol:
- Ymagwedd y sefydliad tuag at raglenni dysgu a datblygu a Phrentisiaethau.
- Sut mae’r rhaglen Brentisiaeth wedi’i chysylltu ag amcanion a nodau sefydliadol eraill a’r budd uniongyrchol neu anuniongyrchol y mae wedi’i gael ar ganlyniadau busnes.
- Unrhyw arferion arloesol (gan gynnwys defnyddio technolegau newydd) sydd wedi’u hymgorffori o fewn neu ochr yn ochr â’r rhaglen Brentisiaethau.
- Sut mae dysgwyr wedi cael eu cefnogi i gyfleoedd cyflogaeth cynaliadwy a sut mae’r rhaglen Brentisiaethau yn cyflawni eu dyheadau hirdymor.
- Gwybodaeth am y cynlluniau sydd gan y busnes ar waith i sicrhau cynaliadwyedd y rhaglen Brentisiaethau.
Bydd pob aelod o’r rownd derfynol yn derbyn gwahoddiad i’r Seremoni Wobrwyo, a gynhelir yng ngwesty’r Metropole, Llandrindod, ar y 3ydd o Fehefin 2025.
Pob lwc.
Meini prawf i ymgeisio
- Rhaid bod ag o leiaf un unigolyn ar y rhaglen brentisiaethau rhwng 1 Mawrth 2024 a 28 Chwefror 2025, neu fod ag o leiaf un prentis sydd wedi cwblhau rhwng y dyddiadau hyn gyda Hyfforddiant Cambrian neu un o’u his-gontractwyr.
- Rhaid bod yn gyflogwr yng Nghymru neu fod ag o leiaf un lleoliad/swyddfa yng Nghymru.
Llenwch y ffurflen isod.
Gwnewch gais am ein gwobrau yn 2025!