Benefits Of Having An Apprentice

This National Apprenticeship Week we wanted to highlight some of the benefits of having an apprentice from an employers perspective. By supporting a team member through an apprenticeship programme, you gain a more experienced and knowledgeable workforce, which in-turn leads to satisfied and motivated staff who help build your business and achieve goals.

Did you know that businesses employing staff under the age of 25 on an apprenticeship are exempt from paying employee National Insurance (NI)?

Our Business Development Officer Carys Evans goes into more detail on how an apprentice can save your business money;

Many employers working with Cambrian Training were very pleased to note the NI exemption for employees aged under 25 and have recognised the opportunity to undertake a skills review and enrolled members of their team onto fully funded apprenticeship programmes. This will help upskill existing members of staff and to ensure new team members have the correct training and development.

As an example, typically an employee on roughly £25k pa aged under 25 who is signed up onto an apprenticeship would provide the business with a cost saving of approximately £3000 over the duration of their apprenticeship.

In a nutshell the business saves a significant amount of money, and the learner develops skills and knowledge – WIN / WIN!


  • The apprentice must be under 25 years old
  • The apprentice must be on an approved government apprenticeship framework
  • The apprentice must earn less than £967 per week (£50,270 per year)


  • This exemption can save employers thousands of pounds per apprentice
  • It can be a way to help existing staff build their careers
  • It can be a way to bring in new skills to a business

Cambrian Training is ready to help you make the most of these potential savings by helping match your learners with the right apprenticeship programmes. Together, we can explore tailored apprenticeship pathways to meet the specific needs of your team and to support your business growth.

Please do get in touch with our Business Development Officer, Carys Evans: to learn more.